Who is RentMonster?
RentMonster is a team of highly motivated people who LOVE Birmingham! We’re constantly chasing personal and professional improvement, and we never stop learning about our wonderful city and spreading the word to others!
Our goal is simple: We want people to LIVE in Birmingham!
What does that really mean? Living is more than just residing. It means having a life – a robust and joyous life! Here in Birmingham, there’s an unending richness of beautiful apartments, great restaurants, peaceful parks, heartfelt music, diverse events, sports, theatre, comedy, craft beer, cycling, trail runs, and…, well, it just goes on forever. LIVING is also about being part of a true community. Birmingham is a place where any talented person of good will can really make a difference. When you LIVE here, you can be one of those helping to shape the great city we continue to become! Basically, we’re people who laugh, cry, play, work and care together as neighbors. – diverse, wonderful neighbors.
Birmingham is a place where you can build a life you haven’t even dreamed of yet! Even if you move away someday, we want your experience living in Birmingham to be so wonderful that you will always miss it in many unspoken ways. After all, a life well lived includes caring about others, and pursuit of the next adventure. Birmingham is a city full of opportunities to do both!
Give us a call today, and let’s start our next adventure together!
We're Hiring!
Interested in joining the RentMonster team?
If you want to help people LIVE in Birmingham then let’s do this!